Equipe - Action For Africa

The members

We decided to Act in Africa.
The observation is: Difficult access to Education and a lack of adapted school infrastructure in rural areas.
The association was created in order to support these populations as well as all orphans.
Our primary mission is to: Build a school in every village in Africa.

Vision icon- Action For Africa

Our commitment

Support the orphans, children with disabilities and communities in difficulty in rural areas from Africa.

We are committed to:
-Ensure quality education and health care for orphans
-Improve the living conditions of rural communities by building school and medical infrastructures in remote areas.

Vision icon- Action For Africa

Our vision

Creating a better future for orphaned children, children with disabilities and disadvantaged communities in Africa. Every child deserves quality education and access to health care.

We strive for a continent where rural communities have access to adequate educational infrastructure and basic medical care

Mission icone - Action For Africa

Our Mission

Provide concrete support to disadvantaged communities in rural Africa.

Orphans and sick children:
Education and Health Care
Provide food and essential goods to orphanages.

 Rural communities
Building halls and schools
Medical equipment (operating theatres, hospital beds)

about us action for africa

Join us

Get involved and invest in a cause that saves lives.

Together we will achieve great things!!

Together we can

Members and Partners

The Living Angels of the Association

Members and Partners


For any information, please contact us at contact@actionforafrica.org or via the form