School construction - EPP VLAMI

The EPP Vlami primary school, with its 6 classes, currently has 372 students. The situation is critical: classrooms, designed for 40 to 45 students, often accommodate between 50 and 74 students, requiring children to sit at least three per bench instead of two. Action For Africa is committed to building six new classrooms at EEP Vlami, equipped with a sufficient number of benches.


Schooling for young girls in rural areas

September 12, 2024

Acrion For Africa a initié pour cette année scolaire 2024-2025 un programme de scolarisation de la jeune fille en milieu rural. L’objectif du programme est d'améliorer l’accès à l’éducation des filles, Motiver ces jeunes filles des villages à poursuivre leurs études, les inspirer par de modèles de réussite et accompagner leur éducation en leur garantissant la scolarité, les tenues et fournitures scolaires


School renovation - EPP Fologo 1

Action For Africa is committed to rehabilitating Fologo 1 and 2 schools in Côte d'Ivoire. Join us now to improve infrastructure, provide educational materials and support teachers.

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