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Donations | Omega + Orphanage

Humanitarian aid in Côte d'Ivoire: The Action For Africa association gives food donations to the Omega+ International orphanage


Date of publication: Saturday 25 March 2023

[Gonzaqueville, Abidjan] - In a remarkable philanthropic initiative, the Action For Africa association provided invaluable assistance to the Omega+ International orphanage on 16 March. Located in the city of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, this orphanage plays a critical role in providing a safe and loving home for dozens of vulnerable children. Thanks to this generous action to donate food, the association provided vital support to these young souls who needed it the most.

The Omega+ International orphanage was founded in 2005 by Ms. Bah Christine. Since then, he has worked to provide a warm and secure environment for children who have lost parents or been abandoned. Thanks to dedicated teams and a committed community, the orphanage provides quality education, medical care, and emotional support to children, allowing them to develop their full potential.

As part of its mission to make a lasting difference in the lives of disadvantaged children, Action For Africa has partnered with the Omega+ International orphanage for a memorable humanitarian action. On 16 March, a team of volunteers from Action For Africa arrived at the orphanage loaded with essential supplies, including non-perishable food, basic necessities, and school supplies.

Don Omega+ International
Humanitarian action in Côte d'Ivoire: The Action For Africa association gives food donations to the Omega+ International orphanage

The handing over of the donations was an opportunity for joy and hope for the children of the Omega+ International orphanage. They were welcomed warmly by the volunteers, who shared their time and love with the young residents. The bright faces and happy smiles of the children testified to the profound impact of this humanitarian action.

“We are thrilled to be able to support the Omega+ International Orphanage and to make a difference in the lives of these great children,” said Action For Africa representatives. At Action For Africa, we strongly believe in social responsibility and are committed to bringing positive change to the most vulnerable communities. This action is just one step towards our goal of creating a better world for all.”

The delivery of food donations to the Omega+ International orphanage also increased awareness in the local community about the situation of orphaned children and the need for continued support. Action For Africa's commitment to educating and encouraging community members to get involved in humanitarian actions is critical to ensuring the well-being of the most vulnerable children.

Reflecting on this memorable day, Mr. Bah, director of the Omega+ International Orphanage, said: “We are extremely grateful to Action For Africa for their generosity and continued support. This action brought joy and hope to the lives of our children, and we are inspired by their commitment to making a real difference in the world.”

This humanitarian action in Côte d'Ivoire reiterates the importance of continued support to the Omega+ International orphanage and other similar organizations. Donations of food and essential resources meet the immediate needs of children, while contributing to their long-term development.

Action For Africa - Aurevoir Omega+
Departure of the Action For Africa association from the Omega+ Orphanage

The Action For Africa association continues to work with determination to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged children in Africa and around the world. Their exemplary commitment is a source of inspiration and highlights the power of collective action to bring about meaningful change.

On this memorable day of March 16 in Gonzaqueville, the Omega+ International orphanage and the Action For Africa association proved that a single humanitarian action can have a lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable children. Their strong partnership and dedication are a glimmer of hope for a better future.

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