Action For Africa + The Coca-Cola CompanyAction For Africa + The Coca-Cola Company

Action For Africa + The Coca-Cola Company

Saturday Sept. 09 2023
Fologo 2 school
Bouaflé, Marahoué Region - Ivory Coast
Construction of 6 new classrooms at Epp Fologo 2 school

Action For Africa and Coca Cola are mobilizing to complete the construction of the Epp Fologo 2 school in Côte d'Ivoire. This action aims to provide children with a quality educational environment.

The Epp Fologo 2 school is currently facing unfinished buildings, which limits the capacity to accommodate students. We aim to solve this problem by building 6 new modern and functional classrooms. These new facilities will provide a better learning environment and encourage children to go to school.

The action will consist in financing the purchase of building materials, the hiring of qualified artisans and the supervision of the construction process. We are committed to ensuring that the new classrooms are equipped with everything needed to provide a quality learning environment, including desks, boards, and instructional materials.

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